Wednesday, April 1, 2009

why bother

The day they got along

why cant I have the kind of kids who work out their problems without the use of me? Every single time the kids get in a fight, it is always "Mom! he wont..." "Mom, she said....!" "Mom! tell him to stop..."
Sometimes I feel like just telling them to beat the crap out of each other, and get it over with, and leave me the hell out of it. Is this wrong? probably, but you dont live in my house.
Last night my daughter had a meltdown because her 8 yr old brother "always" gets to brush his teeth first at night (now that Im an adult I can see how trivial these things are, but to her this is just plain UNACEPTABLE!) Most of the time I have to beg them to go first for would think they would WANT to be the first one to do stuff, nope! not my kids, they always want to be last until the time is right, and then whine and carry on that they weren't first. Dont get me wrong, I love my kids, and most of the time I wouldn't change them for anything, but it takes nerves of steel to cope some days as a single Mother.