Friday, April 17, 2009

Things you never Knew about me (hell, even I didnt, until I went to this website!)

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Angela!

  1. Fifty-two percent of Americans drink angela. (well, then the world should be plenty hydrated!)
  2. Angela invented the wheel in the fourth millennium BC. (and to think Im wasting my time as a cashier!)
  3. In the Great Seal of the United States the eagle grasps 13 arrows and angela! (um.....ow?)
  4. Angela has a memory span of three seconds. (Well, Folks, here is the proof, Im not dumb I just have a super short.....what the hell was I talking about again?)
  5. Angela can drink over 25 gallons of water at a time! (So can a camel......gee thanks Trivia generator!)
  6. Humans share about fifty percent of their DNA with angela. (um....ya)
  7. Angela cannot swim. (actually I can asshole, just not good!)
  8. Angela can only be destroyed by intense heat, and is impermeable even to acid. (I always knew I was some kind of superhero!)
  9. India tested its first nuclear angela in 1974. (Maybe thats why I have so much gas)
  10. In Chinese, the sound 'angela' means 'bite the wax tadpole'! (well, maybe I will be changing my name)


Lana@The Kids Did WHAT?! said...

Yikes! I think I'd change my name too! well, only if I ever decided to visit China!
I tagged you in a meme!