Saturday, April 11, 2009

Just bloggerific!!

Im having trouble......I cant figure out how to enable comments to my posts.....all settings are set to let anyone comment, but then I read the blog help......HA HA! some help that was.....something about tags, codes, put the code between this and that, stand on your head while reciting the alphabet.....blah blah IF by the grace of God anyone knows how the hell to help me, I would love it! I wasnt sure that anyone even knew my blog existed, and then The Kids Did WHAT! (one of my all time favorite blogs by the way) said she couldn't comment on my blog and my heart sunk when I knew someone actually liked (or was bored enough) to read what I write, but couldnt comment. ok, so since I cant get comments, can someone write to me at, and puleeeeze let me know how to fix this!


Lana@The Kids Did WHAT?! said...

AHA!! Well, I'm on a different computer right now. I'm at my mom's house, so the comment problem could very well be my computer. You're hard to find though. I saw you as a follower but your profile doesn't show. It's just a silhouette face and when I click on it there is no link under your name to bring me here. I actually found your blog from reading your comment on Mellisa's blog "Full Circle". your name is linked and it brought me here. (I don't know if I'm making sense!)
The other day I had to go to "manage followers" and change my settings to show my profile under blogs I follow. It then shows my picture and link on other blogs in their follow box. if you're completely lost right now, I don't blame you! Feel free to email me (email should be on my blog profile) if you need me to explain this better!!