Saturday, April 11, 2009

If I had balls enough

In one of my earlier writings, I have said how I think I have always wanted to be a nurse, or someone in the medical field. I do enjoy my job as a CNA, but there is one thing I secretly wish I could do for a career......a police woman. I can just see me now, gun drawn looking around for the bad guy, and as hes running down the alley in front of me I say "POLICE! freeze!" and I tackle him to the ground, and slap those metal bracelets on him, and cart his sorry ass to jail for 3 hots and a cot. Wow! what a rush that would be! I love to watch TruTV, almost obsessed with watching the cops go after bad guys. I dont think I could ever be a cop (#1 Im short just 4'11") and I would chit in my pants if ever confronted by a bad guy. If you had the balls, what would your secret dream job be?


Lana@The Kids Did WHAT?! said...

A chocolate taste tester... Mmmm chocolate.

Seriously though, I used to daydream about being an acrobat in the circus!! A trapeze artist as a matter of fact. Which is really funny, as there is not one athletic bone in my body!