Monday, April 20, 2009

Not Me Monday

Brought to you by my charming kids

1. I did not yell at my Mother for turning the "fucking Tv up too loud" on Our Casino trip this past weekend, nope not me!

2. I definetly did not spend a lot of money gambling

3. I did not win back all my money I lost the first night, on the second day of the trip

4. I did not forget my deodorant and did not borrow my Mothers friends, that would be gross!

5. I did not also forget my toothbrush, so I didnt brush all weekend, that would not be even grosser!

6. I did not take my best friend with me, and she did not lose all her money and come home broke and pissed off at me.

7. I did not stop in NH on the way home and did not buy some booze.

8. I did not have to come home at Midnight on Saturday night from Connecticut and not go to the hospital and spend the night there with my 6 yr old who they thought had appendicitus, and I did not stay up half the night.

9. I did not sleep 9 straight hours without waking up, and I definilty did not almost pee my pants when I did finally wake up.