Monday, April 27, 2009

Not me Monday (on almost Tuesday)

Courtesy of Jennifer over at my charming kids

1. I did not teach my 6 yr old daughter to ride her bike with no training wheels in 1/2 hr last week

2. I did not hold onto the hood of her shirt and practically choke her while she was trying to ride, because I didnt want to bend down and hold onto the seat when she was first learning.

3. I did not buy both my boys new bikes on Saturday, and they did not love me for it.

4. I did not go to a beautful Wedding Saturday, and I did not leave the reception after 20 mins out of boredom, nope not me!

5. I did not eat some Banana Split ice cream tonight, and I definitly did not eat a double chocolate muffin after everyone just went to bed, that would be pathetic and fattening.

6. I did not get excited when Stellan (my charming kids ) got released from Boston Childrens Hospital today!

7. I did not want to post tonight, because I am not hoping more people will visit my blog and find something interesting about me.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Laughter really IS the best medicine......want to laugh? If so visit this site...Not Always Right Funny & Stupid Customer Quotes
Ive been reading it for awhile now, and it is hilarious (then again, I find most things funny anyways....ya know simple things amuse simple minds.....yada yada)
I wont say I am always in a great mood, hell, I am a hormonal woman after all, but lately Ive been thinking about all the negative people I know in my life, and decided I am GLAD I am not one of those people. I know people that always have something wrong with them "My back hurts" "I feel like shit" "I have no money" "I have a headache" "My cell phone is a piece of crap" "My dog even hates me" "Life is shit" " OR......its something positive ended with a negative "I slept great last night, but my kids are bugging the shit out of me and I have a headache" they can never just be totally postive once a day.
Hell, My life is not all great, but I just dont get negative people, its like a big black cloud over them that saturates the entire situation when they are around.
So for today......LIVE, LAUGH and LOVE.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Not Me Monday

Brought to you by my charming kids

1. I did not yell at my Mother for turning the "fucking Tv up too loud" on Our Casino trip this past weekend, nope not me!

2. I definetly did not spend a lot of money gambling

3. I did not win back all my money I lost the first night, on the second day of the trip

4. I did not forget my deodorant and did not borrow my Mothers friends, that would be gross!

5. I did not also forget my toothbrush, so I didnt brush all weekend, that would not be even grosser!

6. I did not take my best friend with me, and she did not lose all her money and come home broke and pissed off at me.

7. I did not stop in NH on the way home and did not buy some booze.

8. I did not have to come home at Midnight on Saturday night from Connecticut and not go to the hospital and spend the night there with my 6 yr old who they thought had appendicitus, and I did not stay up half the night.

9. I did not sleep 9 straight hours without waking up, and I definilty did not almost pee my pants when I did finally wake up.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Things you never Knew about me (hell, even I didnt, until I went to this website!)

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Angela!

  1. Fifty-two percent of Americans drink angela. (well, then the world should be plenty hydrated!)
  2. Angela invented the wheel in the fourth millennium BC. (and to think Im wasting my time as a cashier!)
  3. In the Great Seal of the United States the eagle grasps 13 arrows and angela! (um.....ow?)
  4. Angela has a memory span of three seconds. (Well, Folks, here is the proof, Im not dumb I just have a super short.....what the hell was I talking about again?)
  5. Angela can drink over 25 gallons of water at a time! (So can a camel......gee thanks Trivia generator!)
  6. Humans share about fifty percent of their DNA with angela. (um....ya)
  7. Angela cannot swim. (actually I can asshole, just not good!)
  8. Angela can only be destroyed by intense heat, and is impermeable even to acid. (I always knew I was some kind of superhero!)
  9. India tested its first nuclear angela in 1974. (Maybe thats why I have so much gas)
  10. In Chinese, the sound 'angela' means 'bite the wax tadpole'! (well, maybe I will be changing my name)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Kids say the darndest things

Ask your child(ren) to answer the questions and type their answers in.
Tag other moms with kids who might have fun with this. :)

Here is what Aubree (6) and Caden (8) Christian (10) had to say.........

1. What is something mom always says to you?
Caden "clean your room!" Aubree "that you always have something for us to do" Christian "no"

2. What makes mom happy?
Caden "when we give her a gift" Aubree "to clean our room" Christian "when we do what were supposed to"

3. What makes mom sad?
Caden "that we're not listening" Aubree "I dont know" Christian "when we dont do what we are supposed to, and that happens ALOT"

4. How does your mom make you laugh?
Caden " you tickle me" Aubree "because she farts alot" Christian "she acts crazy"

5. What was your mom like as a child?
Caden "she had long hair, and she liked New Kids on the Block to death" Aubree "she could wear a bikini"
Christian "bratty"

6. How old is your mom?
Caden "31" Aubree "2" Christian "31, she is old"

7. How tall is your mom?
Caden "one foot" Aubree "6 long feets" Christian "very short"

8. What is her favorite thing to watch on TV?
Caden "Spongebob" Aubree "the news during supper" Christian "Mystery murder shows"

9. What does your mom do when you're not around?
Caden "you fart" Aubree "go to work, clean the house" Christian "eat things that arent on her diet"

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
Caden "swimming with dolphins in your giant pool" Aubree "being a rockstar" Christian "being in a show called 'swimming with the dolphins'"

11. What is your mom really good at?
Caden "driving" Aubree "your really good at working" Christian "eating"

12. What is your mom not very good at?
Caden "singing" Aubree "doing everything at once" Christian "trying not to eat"

13. What does your mom do for her job?
Caden "bags up Groceries" Aubree "touches lots of germs" Christian "works at _____"

14. What is your mom's favorite food?
Caden " lobster" Aubree "fish" Christian "chocolate"

15. What makes you proud of your mom?
Caden "when she actually gives us dessert" Aubree "when she cleans our room for us" Christian "she graduated her CNA class"

16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
Caden "Jerry" (tom and Jerry) Aubree "Bratz" Christian "Patrick" (spongebob)

17. What do you and your mom do together?
Caden " go shopping" Aubree "crafts" Christian "buy video games"

18. How are you and your mom the same?
Caden "we both dont like Christian" (LOL) Aubree "we both have big ears" Christian "we are both shy"

19. How are you and your mom different?
Caden "you have long hair, I have short hair" Aubree "Im little and your big" Christian "Moms an old lady and Im not"

20. How do you know your mom loves you?
Caden "she gives us treats and money" Aubree "you hug me a bunch" Christian "she gives me more time on the Wii"

21. What does your mom like most about your dad? (I am divorced from my boys Dad, and my Daughters Father and I are no longer together either)
Caden "nothing" Aubree " because he takes me on the weekend so you can have a break from me!"
Christian "just about nothing" (well, that certainly summed my feelings up!)

22. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
Caden "shopping" Aubree "Disneyworld" Christian "Seaworld"

sometimes I think my kids really do know me, and I dont give them enough credit for knowing whats going on......sheesh!! HAHA!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009

Saturday, April 11, 2009

If I had balls enough

In one of my earlier writings, I have said how I think I have always wanted to be a nurse, or someone in the medical field. I do enjoy my job as a CNA, but there is one thing I secretly wish I could do for a career......a police woman. I can just see me now, gun drawn looking around for the bad guy, and as hes running down the alley in front of me I say "POLICE! freeze!" and I tackle him to the ground, and slap those metal bracelets on him, and cart his sorry ass to jail for 3 hots and a cot. Wow! what a rush that would be! I love to watch TruTV, almost obsessed with watching the cops go after bad guys. I dont think I could ever be a cop (#1 Im short just 4'11") and I would chit in my pants if ever confronted by a bad guy. If you had the balls, what would your secret dream job be?

Just bloggerific!!

Im having trouble......I cant figure out how to enable comments to my posts.....all settings are set to let anyone comment, but then I read the blog help......HA HA! some help that was.....something about tags, codes, put the code between this and that, stand on your head while reciting the alphabet.....blah blah IF by the grace of God anyone knows how the hell to help me, I would love it! I wasnt sure that anyone even knew my blog existed, and then The Kids Did WHAT! (one of my all time favorite blogs by the way) said she couldn't comment on my blog and my heart sunk when I knew someone actually liked (or was bored enough) to read what I write, but couldnt comment. ok, so since I cant get comments, can someone write to me at, and puleeeeze let me know how to fix this!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I was in an abusive relationship for a few years, one I felt trapped in for a long time, until I made the decision to stand up for myself and make a better life for my kids and I. I wish I had gotten out of it "faster", because looking back I realize my kids and I lost three years of our lives. I was so wrapped up in trying to stay alive, that I didnt truly live.
Back when my kids were little I waited on them hand and foot. As soon as they would ask for a drink, a snack, or anything else I would literally jump up and get it, never made them pour their own juice or pickout their own snack, because it was "faster". I got their clothes out for them, never really sat down to teach them how to tie their shoes, I just did it myself because it was "faster". I wouldn't let them vaccum or help with the housework, because I could get it done by myself "faster". I was so depressed and full of anxiety about the next time I would have to call for help, or have to deal with the Drunk, that I moved thru the motions, and did was I was supposed to do, but I wasnt really living. I would never sit down and color, or play a board game with them, because life was "faster" back then.
A little more than three years ago I met the most amazing person, I was instantly in love with him from the first hello. My life has changed dramically since that chance meeting, I am now happier than I have been in a long time, Im working almost everyday, the kids are better behaved (well, most of the time). Ive gained some self respect, and learned that I wont always be there to wait on my kids hand and foot, take the moments NOW to teach them the small and big things, because life might pass me by, if I let it go "Faster" again.

Monday, April 6, 2009

3 blind mice

I woke up this morning rested and in a great mood, thanks to the sleeping pills I took. My morning was going well, got to hang out my boyfriend for a couple hours before work, life was great! Then......I look out my back door and my neighbors cat is licking her chops and then I notice a small rodent crawling on the ground. yuck. Apparently the cat disabled the mouses back legs, so in between feeling bad for the mouse, and wanting to scream I ran next door to tell my neighbor about her furry little murderer shes been the time I get back (literally 2-3 mins) I go in my front door, out to the back door, and guess what I see? a mouse head, a few scattered organs, and no cat in sight.....yuck. ON MY STEP.....yuck. She dismembered that damn mouse in 2 mins.double yuck.

Full Circle

Head on over and say Hi to Melissa at the Full Circle

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Sending good thoughts your way!

Prayers for Stellan

Baby Stellan has been very sick for almost 2 weeks, things are looking up, but please keep him in your thoughts and prayers! Stellan is the son of McMama over at my charming kids

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Cracker Jax Box brains

Since my CNA thing fell through a little, I have wandered over to the "Retail" type job, I have fairly flexible hours and can work when the kids are at school...however......Im telling ya, some of my customers make me wonder how they can drive, raise a family, and hold a job, when Im not even sure they are smart enough to tie their shoes. Ive waited on people that have complained because something rang up 9 CENTS more than it was supposed to (ok, the economy is bad right now, but I can scrape 9 cents out of my couch!) Ive had people buy $15 worth of stuff just to qualify for the 10 cent off Gas Reward program (look, theres a genius! lets spend $15 more than we planned to save $1.80 on 20 gallons of gas!) and then there are the people who come up and compare us to our competitor......which wouldnt be so bad IF they made any sense. I had one guy come up and tell us our competitor "had something" on us because they had scales to weigh the, sir? we have them too! might want to get a new prescription for your glasses! We have people that come in and bitch about everything under the sun, but they still come back to "use us" for our excellent sales we have. sigh.........

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Ever since I was little apparently Ive had this idea I wanted to be a nurse, or someone in the medical field. Last June I Graduated from a 9 week CNA course, and thought I would have the world by the a per-diem position at the local Hospital, but didnt get enough hours to pay for toilet paper. Today I had a 6 hour training course to stay on the CNA registry. However.....since I dont work in a nursing home, and I dont do home care, I felt totally out of the loop. My CNA job (when I actually get some hours) includes changing stretchers, getting cups of juice, and filling linen. I loved working with the older people on the Dementia Unit during clinicals, but Im finding it hard to fit any of the shifts into a schedule with 3 kids, schoolwork, laundry and getting other things accomplished, so for now Ive decided to try and keep myself on the registry, and hopefully when the kids get a little older I can persue another Avenue.

why bother

The day they got along

why cant I have the kind of kids who work out their problems without the use of me? Every single time the kids get in a fight, it is always "Mom! he wont..." "Mom, she said....!" "Mom! tell him to stop..."
Sometimes I feel like just telling them to beat the crap out of each other, and get it over with, and leave me the hell out of it. Is this wrong? probably, but you dont live in my house.
Last night my daughter had a meltdown because her 8 yr old brother "always" gets to brush his teeth first at night (now that Im an adult I can see how trivial these things are, but to her this is just plain UNACEPTABLE!) Most of the time I have to beg them to go first for would think they would WANT to be the first one to do stuff, nope! not my kids, they always want to be last until the time is right, and then whine and carry on that they weren't first. Dont get me wrong, I love my kids, and most of the time I wouldn't change them for anything, but it takes nerves of steel to cope some days as a single Mother.