Monday, May 11, 2009

1 Week down.....Nothing tastes as good as thin feels......repeat.......

I have had the most tiring but inspiring week! I started working out last Monday, and I have run/walked/worked out everyday since then (ok, I lied, I took Mother's Day off, but that it, I swear!) I actually feel pretty good, and as tired as I get after being at the gym, somehow I am getting more stamina, and work through the tiredness to keep going thru the day. I dont consider myself to have an obsessive nature, but apparently I do.........first it was with food, but now it seems to be with working all that food off. I think I have a pretty happy attitude by nature, but I have missed out on truly enjoying life, because I let food control who I am, what I wore, and where I went. I WANT to be able to go to the store, see a cute shirt and just pull it off the rack, and wear ANY color I want. For years now (and I mean probably 13 or more) I have worn almost all black, because I was ashamed of what had become of my body. I was always skinny, I was a size 6 in 1995, and by 2003 I was in the double digits pant sizes. Almost 2 yrs ago I decided to eat a little healthier and I managed to lose almost 40 lbs, and keep it off, but I still have about that much to lose, and maybe more.
This blog wasnt started to be a weight loss blog, but thats just where it might be heading........